Friday, January 13, 2012

Greetings and salutations!

Inspired by my cousin to start a blog, my first thought was, "Yes, but about what do I write?" The answer came as quickly, "Books, silly." So here we are.

Books, and more importantly, stories, have been a large part of my life for as long as I can remember. I taught myself to read because my mother insisted on stopping at the end of the chapter at a reasonable bedtime when she read to us, even if that left Bilbo in some rather precarious positions. (Anyone remember the giant spiderweb fiasco?)

Since then I have read and continue to read a little bit of everything. I lean toward character-driven narrative over plot. I adore Jane Austen but also Charlaine Harris. I've even read Twilight. Don't judge. I'll tell you the story one day of how one of my favorite authors suggested that I read it.

In case you hadn't guessed, this blog will be mostly about books - books I love and books I hate, books that inspire me or make me think, and books that make me twitch. I'll probably talk about being a reader and the smell of books and the glory that is a good used bookstore but I'll try not to stray too far off topic.

I thought I would start by rereading some old favorites from my past. We'll see where it takes us from there.


  1. Happy to inspire although I don't know how much I will be able to partake in this topic . . . I read a book once.
